Course Outcome

PO1 - Nursing Knowledge
Course Outcome Subject Program Specific Outcome Description Evaluation Weightage
CO1 Nursing Education PSO 1 Knowledge on the aims of education, philosophies, trends in education and health: its impact on nursing education. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal & final 25+75
PSO 2 Knowledge on teaching learning process
PSO 3 Knowledge on the process of curriculum development, and the need and the methodology of curriculum changes, innovation and integration.
PSO 4 Knowledge on the concept, principles, steps, tools and techniques of evaluation.
CO2 Advance Nursing PSO 5 Knowledge on ethical, legal, political and economic aspects of health care delivery and nursing practice Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal & fina 25+75
PSO 6 Knowledge on bio- psycho- social dynamics of health, life style and health care delivery system
PSO 7 Knowledge on concepts, principles, theories, models, approaches relevant to nursing and their application
PSO 8 Knowledge alternative modalities of nursing care.
PSO 9 Describe the concept of quality control in nursing.
PSO 10 Knowledge on use computer in patient care delivery system and nursing practice.
CO3 Clinical Speciality (A. Medical Surgical Nursing ) (Critical Care ) PSO 11 Knowledge on concept of family centered nursing care with associated disorder such as genetic, congenital and long-term illness. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 12 Knowledge on emergency management with Medical Surgical patients.
PSO 13 Knowldege recent technologies and treatment modalities in the management of critically ill patients.
PSO 14 Knowledge on legal and ethical issues relevant to Medical Surgical Nursing.
Clinical Speciality B. Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing PSO 15 Knowledge on concept of family centered pediatric nursing care with related areas such as genetic disorders, congenital malformations and long term illness. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 16 Knowldege on management of emergencies in neonates
PSO 17 Knowledge on recent technologies and treatment modalities in the management of high risk neonates
PSO 18 Knowledge on legal and ethical issues pertaining to pediatric and neonatal nursing
Clinical Speciality C. Obsteric And Gynaecological Nursing PSO 19 Knowledge on the trends in the field of midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology as a specialty Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 20 Knowldege on the concepts of biophysical, psychological and spiritual aspects of normal pregnancy, labor and puerperium.
PSO 21 Knowledge pharmacological agents, their effects during pregnancy, child birth, puerperium, lactation and the role of nurse
PSO 22 Knowledge types of complementary and alternative therapies in obstetric and gynecological nursing
Clinical Speciality D. Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing PSO 23 Knowledge on trends and issues in the field of psychiatric and psychiatric nursing. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 24 Knowledge on various types of alternative system of medicines used in psychiatric settings
PSO 25 Knowledge on psychopharmacological agents ,their effects and nurses role
CO4 Nursing Research And Statistics PSO 26 Knowledge on basic research terms and concepts. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 27 Knowledge on Review literature utilizing various sources
PSO 28 Knowledge on research methodology
CO5 Nursing Management PSO 29 Knowledge ontrends and issues in nursing. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 30 Knowledge on organization of health and nursing services at the various levels / institutions
PSO 31 Knowledge on principles of administration applied to nursing.
PSO 32 Knowledge on legal and enthical issues in nursing administration.
PSO 33 Knowledge on process of quality assurance in nursing services.
PO2 - Nursing Skill, Nursing Competencies, Clinical Judgement, Caregiver
Course Outcome Subject Program Specific Outcome Description Evaluation Weightage
CO1 Nursing Education PSO 1 Prepare and utilize various instructional media and methods in teaching learning process. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 2 Demonstrate competency in teaching, using various instructional strategies.
PSO 3 Plan and conduct continuing nursing education programs
PSO 4 Construct, administer and evaluate various tools for assessment of knowledge, skill and attitude.
CO2 Advance Nursing PSO 5 Identify latest trends in nursing and the basis of advance nursing practice. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 6 Perform extended and expanded role of nurse.
PSO 7 Identify the scope of nursing research
PSO 8 Able to apply the nursing theories for writing the care plan or the nursing process
PSO 9 Analyze the development of nursing as a profession.
PSO 10 Provide holistic and competent nursing care following nursing process approach.
CO3 Clinical Speciality (A. Medical Surgical Nursing ) (Critical Care ) PSO 11 Apply concepts and theories related to health promotion. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 12 Perform physical, psychosocial assessment of Medical Surgical patients.
PSO 13 Teach Medical Surgical Nursing to undergraduate nursing students and in-service nurses.
PSO 14 Prepare a design for layout and management of Medical Surgical units.
Clinical Speciality B. Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing PSO 15 Apply the nursing process in the care of ill infants to pre adolescents in hospital and community Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 16 Demonstrate advanced skills/competence in nursing management of children with medical and surgical problems
PSO 17 Recognize and manage emergencies in children
PSO 18 Prepare a design for layout and describe standards for management of pediatric units / hospitals
Clinical Speciality C. Obsteric And Gynaecological Nursing PSO 19 Identify and analyze the deviations from normal birth process and refer appropriately. Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 20 Provide comprehensive nursing care to women during reproductive period.
PSO 21 Integrate the concepts of family centered nursing care and nursing process approach in obstetric and gynecological nursing.
PSO 22 Counsel adolescents, women and families on issues pertaining to pregnancy, child birth and lactation
Clinical Speciality D. Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing PSO 23 Demonstrate therapeutic communications skills in all interactions Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 24 Demonstrate the role of psychiatric nurse practitioner in various therapeutic modalities
PSO 25 Apply the nursing process approach in caring for patients with mental disorders
CO4 Nursing Research And Statistics PSO 26 Develop a research proposal & Conduct a research study Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 27 Analyze and interpret the research data Communicate research findings and write scientific paper for publication
PSO 28 Utilize research findings
CO4 Nursing Management PSO 29 Identify and analyse legal and enthical issues in nursing administration Internal & External assessment Midterm Prefinal Final 25+75
PSO 30 Describe the process of quality assurance in nursing services.
PSO 31 Demonstrate leadership in nursing at various levels.
PSO 32 Discuss the planning, supervision and management of nursing workforce for various health care settings.
PSO 33 Collaborate and co-ordinate with various agencies by using multisectoral approach
PO3 - Nursing Attitude And Attributes
Course Outcome Subject Program Specific Outcome Description Evaluation Weightage
CO1 Nursing Education PSO 1 Collaborate and co-ordinate with various agencies by using multisectoral approach. Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 2 Demonstrate leadership in nursing at various levels.
CO2 Advance Nursing PSO 3 Appreciate importance of self development and professional advance Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 4 Appreciate and analyze the development of nursing as a profession
PSO 5 Perform extended and expanded role of nurse.
CO3 Clinical Speciality (A. Medical Surgical Nursing ) (Critical Care ) PSO 6 Recognize and manage emergencies with Medical Surgical patients Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 7 Incorporate evidence based Nursing practice and identity the areas of research in the field of Medical Surgical Nursing.
Clinical Speciality B. Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing PSO 8 Recognize and manage emergencies in children Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 9 Competent & utilizeS the recent technology and various treatment modalities in the management of high risk children.
Clinical Speciality C. Obsteric And Gynaecological Nursing PSO 10 Appreciate the trends in the field of midwifery, obstetrics and gynaecology as a specialty Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 11 Incorporates evidence based nursing practice and identify the areas of research in the field of obstetric and gynecological nursing
Clinical Speciality D. Mental Health (Psychiatric) Nursing PSO 12 Promotes self-esteem of clients , others and self Internal Competency checklist 30+30+40
PSO 13 Uses assertive technique in personal and professional actions
CO4 Nursing Research And Statistics PSO 14 Analyze and interpret the research data - -
PSO 15 Critically evaluate nursing research studies
CO5 Nursing Management PSO 16 Leadership quality in all aspects of nursing levels - -
PSO 17 Analyse legal and enthical issues in nursing administration and the managemnet sectors.